Educational management information system (EMIS): training manual

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Note that FY17 was the final year for Section 2. Section 2. And finally, for each general data area, there is now a combined pdf available. So, for instance, all Student Records sections are available in one pdf. Note that these combined documents are for FY For FY18 reporting, be sure to check for a new FY18 version before relying on information in the combined document. Our intention in posting these sections was to assist with searching throughout the Manual.

The ideal data input environment is full-screen editing in which one can move the cursor in all directions on the screen to enter or modify data.

When this is not feasible, the data input system can be programmed to at least skip blank data items by pressing the ESCAPE key, so as to minimize the number of keystrokes required during data input, 60Introduction to EMIS Databases For better consistency and efficiency in data input, storage and retrieval, certain data may be converted into codes during data input. This applies particularly to qualitative data corresponding to pre- determined categories and types, to geographical regions such as districts and provinces, and to individual schools and educational programmes.

Printed conversion tables may be provided for reference in coding. Each pop-up dictionary matches the data item under processing. Data collected from the schools often contain errors. It is important to incor- porate into EMIS database systems, automatic data checking mechanisms to detect the errors and to ensure accuracy of information.

Such mechanisms may function during data input. The checking device would check for horizontal and vertical totals, data consistency within and across tables, and logical limits. Reported data that are erroneous can then be identified immediately, for clarification and correction. Another common feature ofEMIS databases consists ofbuilt-in procedures for calculating percentage distributions, ratios, rates and various indicators. This enables more comprehensive assessment of the situation through both absolute figures and derived indicators.

After verification, the data are processed for organized storage in compact form, so that whenever required, they may be retrieved and provided without delay. More and more, EMIS databases offer the possibility of selective search and retrieval of data, and in producing various kinds ofsummary tables, charts, reports and lists. A current developmental trend is towards incorporating features for producing data files and sub-databases in machine-readable form on electronic support such as diskettes, tapes, laser- discs for more sophisticated analysis, interpretation and use.

As mentioned earlier, EMIS databases cover a wide range of data items. It is essential that the database management software package used to build the EMIS database possesses features allowing the construction of relational databases.

An equally common approach these days is to compile the programs developed within these database management software packages into.

EXE files which, as stand-alone programs, avoids dependency on commercial software packages on the one hand, and increases processing efficiency on the other. An EMIS database can incorporate a number of sub-databases, or commonly called database files. The first aspect may therefore relate to both the individual and overall structures, as well as linkages, between databases files within an EMIS database.

This can be seen from the EMIS database of Bhutan which is being used as an illustrative example throughout this training module. As shown in Figure , the EMIS database of Bhutan is composed of a main database of schools and three sub-databases for respectively: staff, students and classes. The main database handles data on the general characteristics of schools, statistics on enrolment, staff, facilities, buildings and furniture.

This is linked to the three sub-databases for data sharing. They are illustrated in Figure where the program for Main Menu assumes overall control of specific sub-programs for respectively: input and automatic checking of data on schools, classes, students and staff; search and retrieval of lists and individual records; generation ofsummary tables and reports; graphical presentations; and file organization.

Records I I Graphics I EMIS Database Program Flow 64Introduction to EMIS Databases As a result, the example EMIS database of Bhutan enables the direct input and organized storage of statistical data on schools, enrolment, staff, facilities, and detailed information on students and staff, so as to generate an entire range of information outputs: School directory, student list, staff list, staff pay slips, summary tables and charts, and classification of staff see Figure Input and output of EMIS Bhutan How to use this training manual In this training manual, the reader will learn about the salient features of a microcomputer-based Educational Management Information System EMIS database and the methods and techniques used in developing such features.

To illustrate typical methods and techniques to be employed, sample databases and programs from an EMIS developed for the Kingdom of Bhutan are used throughout this manual.

It should therefore be noted that some of the commands used in the sample programs are available under Clipper only. Accompanying this manual are four diskettes which containan upgraded version of the EMIS Bhutan and the corresponding source programs. Tostudythe database organization and structure, the database and index files contained in diskette 2 Data disk may be directly accessed within dBASE HI Plus. For those interested in learning about detailed programming techniques used in building the EMIS Bhutan, the source programs in diskette 4 may be printed out one by one for close analysis, and eventually for modification as appropriate to build other database systems.

It should be noted that to facilitate learning, the sample programs included in this manual are the simplified versions. The source programs given in diskette 4 are the complete and latest updates.

A database contains records which are composedofdata fields. For example, this maybe represented by a drawer of cards containing various information on individual schools, arranged and stored in an orderly manner as below. As shown above, a typical record in an EMIS school database contains information on the school name, address, telephone, year established, type of school, number of students and teachers.

In EMIS, databases may also exist for data on individual students, staff, or classes, as shown in Figure of Chapter 1. Furthermore, there are also sub-databases to a database, each holding a specific type of data such as: enrolment, teaching and non-teaching staff, buildings, furniture, etc. Different databases may therefore contain records composed of different fields with different types of data.

Each collection of fields determines the specific structure of a database. Creating a structure In creating a database, one must first of all create the structure of the database byspecifying the names ofthe data fields, the number ofcharacters in each field, and the type of information alphanumeric, numeric, logical and so on allowed in each field. It may have up to 10 characters. You can use letters, numbers , and the underscore character.

However, the name may not contain spaces, and it must begin with a letter. They are: 68What is a Database Character - Letters, numbers and punctuation symbols, as well as numbers that will not be calculated, such as phone numbers and codes. Memo - Information text of up to 5, characters. Memo fields are automatically assigned field width of 10 characters.

It may be noted that a good overall database design significantly affects the design of individual database structures and programs, and thus the ease of use and performance of the system in terms of efficiency, speed and the variety of functional options. There are the following golden rules for designing databases: 1 Do not set up fields for unnecessary data. They make the database larger, take up more storage space and slow down the processing time.

Design database files using one key field to provide the relational linkage between different database files. Keep less frequently used data in a separate file that is related to the main file on a key field. Usually only data that is of direct use in extracting salient information for planning and management purposes are recorded. These fields are then placed in a table so that their inter-relationships can be examined. This table is called the flat me as shown in figure below. Idesks I ltab!

Flat file view of the database 72STUDENT database fde Designing a Database Relational database files The second step involves examining the flat file for groups of data items that appear more than once for each occurrence of a school record.

Separate these repeating groups of data into another file. Figure below shows the relational structure of the database. Applying the golden rules, it can be broken down into smaller databases, regrouping similar types of data. DBF - general information of the school - data on student enrolment - number of teaching staff - number of non-teaching staff - number and condition of buildings - number and condiiton of buildings - number and condition of furnitures and facilities - information of individual class - information of individual student - information of individual teacher Coding When setting up fields that may later be used as criterion fields for searching and retrieving records, it is always a good idea to use codes instead of the actual descriptions.

The aim is to ensure the consistency of data because long descrip- tion can lead to typographical errors, which will in turn cause inaccuracy in record retrieval. Source code fIles may be set up for these criterion fields, with a complete list of the codes and their correspondingfull names or descriptions. These source code listings may either be printed and given to the schools together with the questionnaires, so that the school can refer to the codes while filling in the forms.

An alternative way is to let the school fill in the names and descriptions in full, and then the data entry personnel will refer to these source code listings for converting the data when inputting them into the computer.

I WILn. Icooks :. DTI lll :Sthool:c! I I code I rool! DSF : : :No. DBFdatabase for Bhutan, the dzongkhag mean- ing district in Bhutanese names and types of school are coded for later use as criterion fields in searching and retrieving information. DBF has been designed incorporating 2-digit dzongkhag codes. DBF contains I-digit codes for type of school.

DBF database is shown in Figure with the field names, field types, and field width. To achieve this, the programs must communicate clearly, helpfully, and efficiently. This refers to aspects of the user interface and user-friendliness. A common feature of user-friendly programs is that they are menu-driven, namely by letting the user select functional options from on-screen menus. Design the programs as separate modules. This allows you to expand it more easily later.

As shown in Figure , the programs are linked together and controled by a main program which calls upon different programs to perform specific database functions.

With the modular design, the number of choices in the main menu can be increased without disrupting the rest of the program.

New sub-programs can be added and only minimum modifications to the main program are required. These commands clear the screen, eliminate screen messages, control the sounding of the bell by the computer, allowing flIe overwrite, and ensure record deletion.

The main program then displays the title screen and prompts user for today's date. This date will appear on every page of the report printed at a later stage. Once the date has been entered, the program will display the main menu of the system, as shown in fIgure on the next page. Title Screen rf,. Title screen and main menu of the EMIS The user may select one of the menu choices by typing the appropriate number 1 to 9 corresponding to a specific function, and the main program will call and run the appropriate subprogram to perform the specific task.

Once the task is completed, the program will return to the main program, and the main menu will be displayed again. These steps are illustrated in the flow chart of the main program as in figure By issuing the commands Most databases have only one main program and main menu, from which all other sub-menus branch out. Keeping a file closed until absolutely necessary maintains the integrity of the database file.

If databases are left open, they can be corrupted by power failures or by the user accidentally turning off or resetting the computer. After studying in detail the sample program on the next page, the reader should print out the source programs MIS. PRG from the sample diskette 4. These programs incorporate new methods and techniques for setting up more sophisticated on-screen displays and menu systems such as the "Pull- down" menus, as well as complete ranges of related sub-programs and procedures.

But such programs must not contain more than 5, characters, or approximately lines. In naming the program file written in a word processor, remember to append the extension. Ef 14,72 SAY 'dd! J , I , ; Close all database files after returning frol the subprograls i 1 I 86Chapter Five Updating the Database A primary function of a database management system is to provide users with the possibility of updating the information by adding, changing and deleting data and records in the database files.

This chapter covers the following features: 1 Designing input forms for data entry 2 Adding and updating records in the database Designing the input forms The first step in setting up a program for updating the database is to design customized screen forms for the data items in the database. To do so, the screen provides a 25 rows by 80 columns display area and a screen display sheet on Which such a 25 x 80 grid is printed can be used to layout the forms.

To facilitate data input, the principle is that whenever possible, the screen forms should be design such that they match closely the user's own paper forms. When the original form is too large, a series of screen forms may be designed to cover different parts of the original form. If possible, they should also provide on- 87Developing Microcomputer-Based EMIS Datahase screen assistance and guidance to the user in performing the updating functions, such as messages and prompts for user actions.

Once the screen forms have been created using the screen display sheet, the updating function programs can be designed to display them correctly on the screen and to perform the various functions. The program will first prompt the user to select the appropriate ACTIVITY code "A", "C", "D", "E", "P", or "X" in order to determine the type of updating functions to be performed, with: "A" for adding new record into the database, "C" for changing information of an existing record, "D" for deleting a record from the database, "E" for enquiring a record, 88Updating the Database "P" for generating a hard copy Print out of a record, and "X" for returning to the main menu of the system.

It may be noted that the above represents the standard range of updating functions common to most databases. PRG will branch out to the corresponding sub-program as shown in the flow chart in Figure I, I i I,,! I, Delete! T I I T Close all! A procedure may be shared by more than one program. When designing and developing the integral program, it can be more efficient to group those repeating functions under separate procedures, which can be called when needed from different sub-programs.

This saves the time of having to code them over and over again. DISPLAY2 will indicate the full name of the dzongkhag district and type of school corresponding respectively to the dzongkhag and school type codes in the standard screen.

All procedure should end with a statement "RETURN" to cause the program to return to where it was called, which in the example is the selection ofactivities.

PRG in the source program diskette 4. PICT '! I r I! Flow chart for HELP. PRG, the more advanced technique of parameter passing can be used.

As shown in the sample program, when calling up the HELP. By examining the three parameters passed, the data field and fIle for which help messages are needed can be determined.

The HELP. PRG can then be pro- grammed to provide the appropriate help information in the form of pop-up dictionaries. Let us take a closer look at how the HELP. This is illustrated in the flow chart below as well as in the second part of the sample program. I Clear toP. I screen, draM a box and , I display title of dictionary i I..

Clm records in the box! VAK I ; 1. SET F! Restore screen frol buffer! It is always preferable to identify the errors at theearly stage ofdata input, rather thanlaterduring processingand reporting.

The program therefore should be designed such that it immediately knows when the user types an incorrect response, and wastes no time in signalling the error for example by flashing a message on the screen asking the user to verify the input again, or if the error is a serious one that risks damaging the database system to even interrupt program execution.

In EMIS, there are often errors in the original data consisting of inconsistencies caused by erroneous calculation and recording and input processes. More and more, EMIS databases should be equipped with features to automatically identify, locate and point out such data errors.

In practice, user input can be evaluated in many ways. The following methods fOr automatically checking error can be incorporated in an EMIS database: 1 Pre-defining input possibilities 2 Error checking immediately after data input - Horizontal sum check - Vertical sum check - Across table check - Logical limits check - Consistency check - Visual graphics check In relation to data input and automatic error check, there is a growing tendency towards requiring entering totals together with component detailed data so as to be able to check for inconsistencies.

This is contrary to common belief that the computer should be programmed to sum up the totals. In the areas of Developing Microcomputer-Based EMIS Database consistency checks and logical limit checks, possibilities for the user to flexibly define such limits may also be designed and incorporated, besides pre-defined fIXed limits. It is important to distinguish between different levels of errors.

As mentioned above, serious user errors may cause damage to the database system, which should therefore be programmed to halt all further processing once detected. Certain errors may result in distorted summary reports and output, and thus should be corrected. They may still be stored in the database as such immedi- ately after data input, but with errors clearly identified and marked whenever the record is called into use, for eventual clarification and rectification.

Others may simply be logical inconsistencies which do not necessarily imply error that needs absolutely to be corrected.

For such cases a warning message may be given. Pre-defining input pOSSibilities This method enforces restrictions on the data that can be entered into a variable or field by using templates and ranges. Digits and signs for numeric data. I - Allows only digits, blanks, and signs. A - Allows only letters. L - Allows only loglcal data. N - Allows letters and digits. X - Allows any character.

In handling such tables, it is therefore important that the program controlling data input and update incorporates automatic devices for horizontal and vertical error check. U sing the EMIS database for Bhutan as an example, a sample program for this kind of error check is shown at the end of this chapter, which corresponds to the table on number of students by sex and grade shown in Figure on the next page.

EtH BY G. Screen input form for enrolment data Data for this table are entered by column. If you want to add contractor records to the staff maintenance files, you must use add them manually using the contractor data maintenance procedures. The Summer Separation has its own maintenance and load options. This ID is also used in state certification and licensure databases. Unique code assigned to the staff member.

Identifies how the teacher instructing an Early Childhood Education Entitlement program meets the requirements specified under j or Valid Values Total number of days the staff member was in attendance during the period from July 1 through June Total number of days the staff member was absent during the period from July 1 through June 30 due to all causes except professional meetings, vacations, or holidays.

Number of Long Term Illness Days. Defaulted to 0 if blank. Must be 15 consecutive work days or more; include these days in the Absence Days element.

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